From Disconnect to Unity
From Disconnect to Unity.
Empoderamiento Femenino
Re-Indigenizing Consciousness
Cacao, Mushrooms and Ceremonial Ancestry
Plants Saved My Life is joined by India Mayorga. A psychotherapist, a plant medicine facilitator and an indigenous ceremonial healer working with psilocybin mushrooms and cacao.
🪴India is the founder of Movimiento Ancestral and is considered a channeler of Mother Nature, bridging the gaps between spirituality, science, and therapeutics. Listen to us discuss plant medicine ceremonies, integration, and how we can all channel our own internal healing.
Restoring Balance w/ indigenous
Nectara invites a panel of leaders within organizations that are here to bring restoration and balance with indigenous communities across the globe implementing models that will benefit everyone.
Let’s work together.
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!