Road trip Mamos

The Mamos came 4 times to visit the lands of Costa Rica, all four times with different stewards of earth. Always with indigenous BriBri.

Our first journey we had 1 tribe member of BriBri and 1 tribe member of Guamie tribe. We quickly learned the similarities between the BriBri and the Kogi and Arawaku and so the next Road trip we invited 2 bribri tribe members to experiece an immerse Earth Guardian Immersion with the Mamos

This is a small sharing of a car ride with the Mamos of Colombia and Bri Bri Indigenous people.
As a bridge to indigenous and being indigenous myself I find myself gaining trust of other first nations people regarding their culture and stories take time and immersions and road trips like this open a way for all to drop our shoulders and realize we are here on the same mission, to be Earth Guardians.

This opportunity is now in your hands as you chose to accompany Movimiento Ancestral into small unique journeys to reconnect to nature and be channelers of her through teachings of elders of various indigenous people.

In this part of the ROADTRIP MAMOS- we are in the car leaving Dominical Beach heading to Bahia la Ballena in Costa Rica, where we were going to go into an energetic point where whales come once a year to mate and bring life to the waters of this vast ocean.

We study all the elements guided us there and why the Mamos made a pagamentos in this specific point of Whales Tail, Uvita-Costa Rica.

Follow us in the journey and discover how #naturespeaks


Movimiento Ancestral