This has been the ancient sacred medicine of Costa Rica indigenous lands as many others.

I honor the sacred plant medicines practiced for 1000s of years by the ancestors of each land in our Mother Earth. These medicines allow for deep awareness into the subtle dimensions birthing a profound connection to Mother Earth and our purpose, thus shining light towards a path of less resistance into our evolution.

I am committed to walk towards the path of The Renaissance of our Consciousness and work with the plant medicine practiced by our ancestors in the lands of Costa Rica.

I create private ceremonies in the Nature Temple which can be customized to your personal needs. This offers long-lasting opportunities for change and inner peace.

I believe that how the medicine is cultivated and harvested is important, I work with key energetic points in the lands to bring forth the information imprinted in the Akash of the waters as part of the alchemy.

I believe space setting and the facilitator that will hold the container for you are of high values for our co-creation. When opening your consciousness to alter states of reality it is important to have these components in perfect balance, harmony and integrity thus providing you with a clean space (energetically) which allows for less distorsions in the information (vibrations) that will be received by you.

You can schedule a private ceremony on any date, on availability.

We offer several types of experiences, from introduction to advanced ceremonies. Depending on your level of experience and intentions, you can select the type of ceremony that fits you most. Designed to catalyze life-changing experiences.

This is an ancient medicine of the original people of Costa Rica and many peoples and lands around our Mother Earth, its OUR joy to be able to share this with space with you!

Mayorga -

Your facilitator

India carries the legacy of her maternal ancestry from the Cabecar Bri-Bri tribe of Costa Rica and her paternal lineage from the Celtic Nordic tribes. This rich heritage, along with a deep connection to the elementals, allows her to create beautiful, safe spaces that honor the sacred rituals of the medicine. In her presence, you will experience a unique journey, delving deep within yourself and your true nature, all while feeling nourished and held in every aspect.

As a conduit of nature's wisdom, India facilitates profound transmissions that co-create and expand your consciousness in a clear and natural way. With over a decade of experience in spiritual emergence through psychotherapy and coaching, she brings a unique integration component to your journey, ensuring that your expanded consciousness is seamlessly woven into your everyday life.

India invites you to join her in a transformative psilocybin journey, where you will feel safe, honored, and deeply connected to the essence of who you are. Together, you will work towards a profound integration of your experience, allowing the insights gained to support your ongoing growth and well-being.

  • 1 day Ceremony

    Take at least 2 full days off. The one where you will sit in ceremony and the day after to fully integrate.

    One day private ceremonies are very suitable for beginners and also for people who want to travel deep on a very high dose. Private ceremonies offer excellent opportunities for people who should be guided with extra attention and personal coaching.

    2 or 3 Day Retreats to go a level deeper into your subconscious.

    Short retreats for healthy people to stay in tune with your natural state of being while working on a specific theme.

    It is optional to experience 1 or 2 ceremonies during these short retreats. We provide a wonderful opportunity to awaken your true potential at a phenomenal location. These short retreats are for people who are physically, mentally and emotionally in a good condition. People who are committed to a pre- ceremony and post ceremony preparation guided by India, a compromise of not just a ¨weekend¨ but a gain to self-care tools for the continuous integration afterwards.

    Let us know if you are curious about this mini retreat and we´ll talk!

  • A comfortable area where you can sit or lay in nature at your feet.

    All journeys will be supported by a combination of live instruments and cleansing plants such as tobacco and insence.

    Natural ritual of ancestral river of wisdom, elementals and future generations as energetically holding the space and If you have personal wishes or themes you want to work on, we will also integrate this into the ceremony ritual.

    A trauma informed safe space.

    Let us know if you have a theme or wish you may have during your intake form.

  • This depends on how ¨deep¨ you want to go and if you have ever tried any other plant medicines or not, your current state of being, your previous life experiences will all play a role in the amount we determine in our 1-1 Discovery call.



1-1 Private Mushroom Ceremony

Starting at $1350 USD

This type of ceremony is for people who want to take a deep dive into their inner realms and experience the potentials of the magic mushrooms completely.

  • Customized live music

  • Dosage 2-4 grams of mushrooms (min price)

  • Personal coaching, before and after the ceremony

  • One personal guide throughout the whole process

  • Detailed preparation & integration guidelines

  • Check-up & aftercare if required

  • Can be booked on any day, on availability


Couples Private Ceremony

Starting at $2500 USD per couple

A psilocybin mushroom ceremony is a unique opportunity to connect with others. Experience together the wonderful moments of joy, truth and heartaches to strengthen your bonds.
It can be a heart opening journey to do a ceremony with your love partner, business partner, your sister or brother, or mother, father, dear friend. It will bring you closer, your understanding or gratefulness for each otherwise increase.

  • Customized live music

  • Dosage 2-5 grams of mushrooms each (min.price)

  • Personal coaching, before and after the ceremony

  • One personal guide throughout the whole process

  • Detailed preparation & integration guidelines

  • Check-up & aftercare if required

  • Can be booked on any day, on availability


Group Private Ceremony

(min. 3 up to 6ppl)

Starting at $1500 USD pp

Celebrate your adventures, work on your habits, be honest with each other, set your goals, enjoy spending quality time together. Your personal facilitator will make sure everybody is taken care for. A private psilocybin ceremony can be a great replacement for your anual holiday, to create special 'us time'. It's an experience to share with the ones you love.

  • Customized live music

  • Dosage 2-4 grams of mushrooms each (min. price)

  • Personal coaching, before and after the ceremony

  • One-Two personal guides throughout the whole process

  • Detailed preparation & integration guidelines

  • Can be booked on any day, on availability

Private consultation

If you are new into to taking psychedelics in a ceremonial space consider speaking with India before and after your ceremony to really get everything you are seeking during the ceremony